Author Guidelines
Substantive Justice International Journal of Law (SJIJL) is a Scientific Journal in the field of law that is published twice a year (June and December) by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Muslim Indonesia. SIJIL is a forum for academics and legal practitioners to disseminate legal knowledge to the wider community in a legal reference field of study in legal journals covering various branches Justice in context of Bussiness, Environemntal, and Human Rights Law in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the Global context. Manuscripts that have been received and are ready to be published will be published in the Open Journal System (OJS) gradually. Journal which is currently in the process of preparing and submitting accreditation nationally. Articles that are submitted are original and have never been published anywhere, we hope that you read the Ethics Publications first.
Manuscript Form
Manuscripts received are manuscripts that have never been published before. If the manuscript turns out to have been published, then the legal risk is borne by the author and will get sanctions. The manuscript can be written in Indonesian (to be translated to English) and can be written in English. Manuscripts can be in the form of the results of research or a review text (thoughts/conceptual) in the field of legal science. In the script, the writing of foreign language terms is italicized. More can be downloaded at the Journal Template
Submission Procedure
The author sends the manuscript through the author can create an account as an author and enter articles online. Authors who have difficulty when sending the manuscript can contact us at contact. The author who has sent the manuscript will receive a receipt for receipt of the manuscript. Note: Manuscripts received will not automatically be published, because they will go through a review process from the editorial board. Authors are required to attach a STATEMENT AUTHENTICITY STATEMENT letter stamped IDR 10,000.00.
Paper Format
The words contained in the manuscript is 4000 until 10000 (including footnotes and abstract)
The sequence of manuscript following: Title (Author Name, Affiliation, Email); Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Method (for original research); Analysis and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgement (if any); and Reference.
Title of articles is written with Arial 17pt, and preferably not more than 14 words. Authors name Arial 15pt, affiliations Arial 12pt, and email Arial 10pt.
The abstract should be clear, concise, and descriptive. This abstract should provide a brief introduction to the problem, objective of the paper, followed by a statement regarding the methodology and a brief summary of results. Font Arial 10pt Bold and 150 - 250 words.
Keywords arranged by alphabetically and should have at least two keywords and maximum of five keywords separated by a semicolon (;).
The introduction should be clear and provide the issue to be discussed in the manuscript. At the end of the paragraph, the author/s should end with a comment on the significance concerning identification of the issue and the objective of the research.
In this research methodology section contains the type of legal research that will be used as a scientific process to obtain research data. Specifically, in texts that use a conceptual approach in analyzing problems in research, it is not permissible to include CHAPTER METHOD. The emphasis of the conceptual approach is only included in the abstract section.
Analysis and discussion include a description of the results of research on the problems that are the focus of research or the results of studies with a conceptual approach. If in this analysis and discussion there are things that need to be clarified and detailed according to the problem and using sub-chapters.
The conclusions contain answers and ideas/brief suggestions of the problems that are the focus of the study, or the results of the conceptual approach. Conclusions are made in 1 (one) paragraph by combining answers and ideas/suggestions.
Add if needed by the author. Acknowledgement is a thank you to the author's institution originated, if the institution has a large contribution (both morally, or materially) to the writings of the author.
Writing a bibliography (reference) arranged alphabetically by not classifying sources of references that have been quoted (specifically the results of interviews with respondents, not included in the bibliography), References used at least 80% sourced from journal citations that can / easily be traced, and 20% from other reference sources. For book reference sources, have a maximum 10 year publication year (including journals) and are prohibited from using references from blogs and Wikipedia. References at the end of the manuscript should be written in APA (American Psychological Association) Citation Style.